oopsy daisy

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I am having so much fun staying home with Elijah everyday. He is really developing a personality. So far he seems like he is very passive. He loves to smile and is pretty much always in a good mood. My sister and I put socks on his hands and a toy in front of him to see what he would do. He kept trying to pick up the toy with his sock hands. And when he dropped the toy several times he didn't even get frustrated. He would either stare at his sock hands, touch the floor, or try to pick up the toy again. It was so cute! He was so laid back in the frustrating situation, and yet he handled it very well. Here is a picture of me and my bubby!


Blogger trperz said...

Now that is the most beautiful mom I have ever seen!!!

1:14 PM  

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